
The Power Of Qi

The Power Of Qi You would think that a 20 year plus Karate black belt would be pretty invincible right? Well the video below certainly tells the tale! It's said that [...]

Almost Dying For Your Art

Almost Dying For Your Art... So I was lying on the bed in an apartment in Prague, it's the middle of the day with the sun drifting sparkles over the glass [...]

Truth & Substance

A discussion between Damo Mitchell and Adam Mizner about truth and substance. Is Qi woo woo or is it actually a real substantial thing? And is truth one of the most important keys [...]

Thailand Push Hands

The 1 month Thailand intensive with Sifu Adam Mizner has been something to behold on many levels! So much progress for everyone that has attended. With hard training for [...]

Thailand Intensive

1 Month Thailand Intensive! This is a never before offered training opportunity! To train directly with Adam Mizner for 1 month. With all of his senior instructors hands on training and demonstrating with [...]

Dancing From The Inside

One of the challenges with understanding what is going on with internal Taiji skill is that you can't see it from the outside! Any skill cultivated can only be understood via direct experience. [...]

The Quality of Release

The Quality of Release A deeply informative discussion and demonstration on the quality of release that we cultivate in the internal Kung Fu of Taijiquan; also known as Tai Chi. Some very insightful [...]

Yang Taiji Broadsword

Yang Style Broadsword A version of the Yang style Sabre or Broadsword trained to develop power and project Qi out past the hand through the weapon to be an extension of yourself. Juxtaposed [...]

Perth Tai Chi

Perth Tai Chi I was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia and having now studied Tai Chi for 17 years with 4 different Masters training in 4 [...]

Insane Skills!

Insane Skills! Sifu Adam's internal skill has gone from impressive to sublime! There is no real way to comprehend this just by watching it. The closest you can get is feeling [...]

Form Demonstration

VIDEO. Demonstration of the Yang style Taiji form that we train in the Earth level Heaven Man Earth. It usually 37 movements but this an abbreviated and altered short version for [...]

Taiji Power

Does Taiji have power? Ask Thanasis! Taiji is largely mis-perceived as being a soft art for old people. Which partly comes from it being prescribed to older people because it is so good [...]

Melbourne Training

It was wonderful to get over to Melbourne to do some training with Paul, Sifu's 12 year disciple. His skill and sensitivity is so high that he was able to make subtle corrections [...]

Part Horses Mane

VIDEO. Here is Sifu Adam Mizner demonstrating a few of the many possible applications of the 'Part Horses Mane' movement from the Taiji form. It is important to note that the efficacy of [...]

Andy Mack Push Hands

VIDEO. In martial arts it is often said that the skill of a teacher is judged by the ability of their students. Here you can see Adam Mizner's disciple Andy Mack displaying some [...]

The Couch TV Demo

VIDEO. Heaven Man Earth Perth instructor Julius Lutero with students Brett and Ash appearing on The Couch TV show with Fred Mafrica being interviewed by Paul Elwin about all things Taiji including the [...]

Single Whip

VIDEO. A nice and clear instruction from Sifu on Single Whip and the multiple uses that are inside each part of the movement.

Song Gong 1

VIDEO. Detailed step by step instruction for Song Gong 1 from Sifu Adam Mizner. I highly recommend Sifu Adam's online course. It releases a video each week taking you from beginner to having [...]

Taiji Wisdom and Training Tips

Put in the work and the understanding will naturally come.

Taiji is something that adds so much to the life of anyone who trains it diligently. It’s very common for Taiji practitioners to say the more they develop it the more they love it. Sign up below to get notified from time to time of videos and articles that will help your understanding and mindset around what Taiji is and how to approach it. Often directly from Sifu Adam Mizner himself. Check back here for the latest tips and wisdom that will enlighten your training and guide you in the right direction. 

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