Perth Tai Chi

I was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia and having now studied Tai Chi for 17 years with 4 different Masters training in 4 different Tai Chi styles it feels very rewarding to make a contribution and give back to Perth Tai Chi by teaching and sharing the style I have found to be the most comprehensive and quickest path (quick in Tai Chi terms that is!) to developing true internal Tai Chi skill and transformation. Along the way I’ve always had a strong interest in the martial art applications of Tai Chi and how it can be used to bypass an opponents hard force, something fascinating that through Sifu Adam Mizner’s system I am discovering first hand is not only very real and achievable; but also a true cornerstone of the principles and applications of Taijiquan. If this is something that also fascinates you and you’ve ever thought “I wonder where there is any Tai Chi near me?”; then you can find our different class locations around Perth at the Classes page —> here

By Julius Lutero, Head Instructor, Heaven Man Earth Perth.
Jan 20, 2022